Sampling attribution, solved.
Our reporting capabilities help you measure the impact of your sampling program on product sales.

It's all about metrics-driven sampling

Measure what you want to measure
Whatever your sampling goals are, we can help you measure the results. If you want to increase brand awareness, we'll measure affinity to the product. If it's driving sales, we'll measure purchase intent. Wondering about the efficacy of your sampling program? We'll find out if the consumer would've considered purchasing the product if they didn't receive a sample from you.
Deliver a frictionless path-to-purchase
Measure lift in post-sampling purchase intent through our Consumer Insights Survey, track in-store redemptions using QR codes and coupons, or see increased online conversions and sales via direct carting.
You tell us what your end sales goal is, and our platform will measure your success.

Get more analytical with first-party data
No more untrackable marketing efforts when you have complete access to first-party customer data. Track the customer journey of your target audiences from the first sampling event to purchase.
Data is yours, so you can really stretch the ROI of your sampling spend with in-house marketing programs like email marketing, digital ads, and more.