Hyper-target markets, retailers, and buyers
Get precise about who you want to target. Combine retailer targeting, advanced audience filters, geo-targeting tools to maximize your sampling return-on-investment (ROI).

Audience targeting, powered by technology

Create hyper-targeted audiences
Choose from over 100 attributes in our advanced audience filters to recreate the exact buyer profile that your brand wants to sell to.
Pick from age demographics, lifestyle traits, purchasing behaviors, geographical locations, and more.
Target shoppers who frequent your retailers
Our latest retailer data layer helps you identify which sampling opportunities have the highest likelihood of reaching audiences that frequently shop at your retailer. We have data from top retailers like Target, Walmart, Whole Foods, and Kroger – as well as 40 other retailers in Groceries, Warehouse Clubs, Convenience, Discount, Home, Beauty, Pets, and more.
Our platform can help you search for drive-in theaters with the highest index of Walmart shoppers. Or target Whole Foods shoppers at WeWork. All in your designated target markets.

Draw a geofence around your key markets
Our geo-targeting tool allows you to get within miles of where you want to geofence your market for your sampling activations.
Looking to drive sales to your retail partners? Our tool allows you to also scope the search to any mile radiuses from popular retailers like Walmart, Target, Wegmans, and more.