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February 15, 2023
min read

Koe Kombucha Distributes 4,096 Samples to Drive Sales at Publix

Koe Kombucha
Recess allowed our brand to effectively drive trial and awareness in an easy and more feasible way.

– Brooke Miller, Director of Marketing

Koe launches new beverage, and leverages sampling to promote them at F45.

The goal

Increase brand awareness and drive product trial

Koe, a fast-growing Kombucha line by Stratus Group,  wanted to increase brand awareness and 'surprise and delight' attendees at student housing complexes with complimentary cans, face masks, and flyers, in anticipation of the release of their drink in Publix, a superstore. They paired distribution of product with BOGO coupons to drive sales at Publix. Additionally, they wanted to also drive product trial to their drink by distributing it at nearby flea markets.

In the past, the Koe team has been 'hands-on' and manually coordinated sampling details with national field marketing teams, but with COVID has shifted to  contactless sampling opportunities and growing their marketing efforts in the digital space.

"Working with Recess allowed our brand to effectively drive trial and awareness in an easy and more feasible way" said Brooke Miller, Director of Marketing at Stratus Group.

Recess was tasked with helping Koe streamline its contactless sampling activities through its end-to-end  management platform.

Koe distributes samples to college students across the US.

The strategy

Implement sampling activations at local student housing complexes and flea markets

Using Recess’ centralized platform, Koe sourced sampling opportunities and executed socially distant sampling activations at Silverlake Flea Market, as well as student housing complexes in Orlando and Atlanta. All items were distributed by organizers, which removed the need for dedicated Koe staff to be on-site.

Koe distributes samples, coupons, and collateral to college housing complexes.

The success

Koe distributed over 4,000 items to prospective customers across the country

End-to-end management of the sampling activation using Recess’ platform streamlined logistics and enabled the brand to reduce the time spent on activation  planning. This enabled Koe staff to dedicate more focus to other business priorities. “By being able to filter through specific events and having a Recess contact to finalize details, it reduced our event sourcing drastically," said Director of Marketing, Brooke Miller, "Recess is an easier and more reliable way to source and secure events on a regional and national level."

Recess streamlined the logistical process of executing sampling programs and reduced the amount of time spent, which empowered the team at Koe to reach more audience at scale.

Quia cupiditate dolorem quasi numquam sit excepturi.

Rachel Lee
Rachel Lee
Marketing at Recess

Writes about CPG marketing and the coolest brand activation campaigns. A seriously casual golfer.