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Co-working Sampling
September 30, 2024
min read

How WeWork became a sampling venue "must" for Rockstar, ZOA Energy, Sharpie, and Poppi

WeWork members enjoy a refreshing drink together

For all the different ways that people work, there are coworking spaces that accommodate flexible work arrangements and travel needs. Members of these spaces will often base brand decisions on how it meets work requirements and any unique member perks.

Top CPG brands should seriously consider coworking spaces like WeWork as strong activation partners by incorporating product sampling. The demographic make-up of members leans towards working professionals with greater disposable income and decision-making power.

Check out how we were able to tap into the interests of coworking space members through four campaigns with Rockstar, Sharpie, ZOA Energy, and Poppi.

Rockstar amps up WeWork members with energizing drink samples

WeWork member enjoy an afternoon break with Rockstar during a Happy Hour event.

Driving brand and product awareness is always a goal for CPG brands, no matter how well they’re already known. Rockstar had this objective and also wanted to increase trials and gather consumer insights. To achieve this, we partnered on a long-term campaign that established them as the exclusive energy drink vendor at WeWork locations nationwide.

The full branded experience Recess delivered included print and screen signage, email marketing, social media, SMS marketing, and of course, so many samples! We distributed 300,000 cans and reached over one million people through digital marketing. 

Weekly WeWork member emails promote upcoming brand activations to drive participation.

As a result, there was a significant increase in brand and product awareness, continual excitement (and even expectation) for Rockstar’s various products to be on site, and new customer acquisition. These were the right places to grow Rockstar’s target customer base and cultivate positive brand impressions.

Sharpie S-Gel pen sampling leaves a positive permanent mark on coworking space members

WeWork members participate in an experiential activation with Sharpie.

We knew coworking space members would be excited to unwrap brand new office supplies to take home, so setting up brand activation events for Sharpie at those locations was a no-brainer. Sharpie wanted to increase product awareness of their S-Gel pen, drive retail sales, and collect consumer insights when they decided to partner with Recess. 

We collaborated on an over-wrapped package sample that paired a pen with an informational card and coupon. These went out to more than 300 coworking spaces with promotional signage and reached over 63,000 people within their target demographic.

WeWork members are discovering their new favorite pens!

Participants loved the samples for their quality and how easily they could find the product in stores. In fact, our supplementary survey revealed that a large number had purchased pens immediately after trial and those who hadn’t yet reported increased purchase intent. Members and partner locations alike stated that this sampling was the best one yet.

Read about how Sharpie gained valuable insights at their full customer story here.

ZOA Energy brings “Big Dwayne Energy” to coworking spaces with omnichannel sampling

Co-working member poses in front of a digital sign promoting ZOA Energy.

The one-of-a-kind formula and quality ingredients that ZOA Energy touts easily drew in samplers at brand activation events that Recess executed at coworking spaces. The brand, co-founded by Dwayne Johnson, was looking to drive brand awareness and product trials; by working with us and our data-rich platform, we identified coworking space members as a key target.

12 oz. can samples were distributed at nearly 40 coworking spaces in northern California and followed up with digital promotions. Additionally, members were exposed to branded signage throughout the coworking spaces to create a sense of familiarity and increase brand awareness.

It's clear that ZOA Energy is the much-needed caffeine refuel for this co-working space!

Through the multiple events, ZOA Energy cans made it to more than 6,800 people who noted how excited they were to have such a great new option for their energy drink of choice!

Poppi brightens up coworking spaces with bubbly samples and fun brand activation 

The days that Poppi sampled in coworking spaces were guaranteed to break up the 9-to-5 grind monotony as they injected interactivity to their brand activation. This extra effort was a great contributor to reaching their goals of increasing brand awareness and encouraging trial of their beverage line.

Poppi brightens this WeWork member's day with a refreshing break.

We partnered with nearly 40 coworking communities in the Los Angeles DMA which distributed close to 10,000 chilled samples to members, enticed participants with branded event signage, and promoted sampling through social media. 

Many locations heard from members that while they had already heard of Poppi through social media, they had never tried it. Seeing the cans at a community location they trusted motivated them to give the brand a try and converted many into immediate fans.

WeWork members enjoy a chilled can of Poppi during a member appreciation event.

We even heard from one partner that it was the best activation they’d ever done, with members excited to share their experiences on social media. Talk about creating some buzz!

Want to make coworking spaces work for your sampling strategy?

Recess will take you from ideation to achieving your business objectives. With more than 15,000 opportunities for sampling which you can filter by consumer demographic, customer behavior, location, proximity to retailer, Recess can support unique brand activation and sampling event execution in turnkey, measurable, and scalable ways. Talk to a Recess expert to learn more.

Minerva Thai
Minerva Thai
Writer at Recess

Translates super neat CPG brand experiences and strategies into words. Wants you to say hi to a dog for her.